Masteron 200

Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Package: 10 ampoules (200mg/ml)


SKU: 715 Category:


Masteron 200

Manufacturer – Dragon Pharma

Drug form – 10 ml vial at 200 mg/ml

Active ingredient – Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)

Masteron is distinguished by the predominance of anabolic activity over androgenic. Due to these properties, it is popular among athletes who have undergone a mass gaining course. The drug allows you to effectively get rid of fat. Make muscles firmer, more prominent and dense. At the same time, the accumulated volume does not go anywhere.

Masteron 200 is sold in its original packaging. Its authenticity is proven by all the necessary certificates.

What properties does Masteron 200 have?

The main advantages of the product are:

  • Preservation of up to 90% of the volume of recruited muscles.
  • Pronounced fat burning effect, which is achieved with a calorie deficit. With proper training, a 5-7% reduction in fat can be achieved.
  • Increased strength.
  • Muscles become prominent and firm;
  • Catabolic processes are suppressed.

Possible side effects

In some cases, Masteron 200 can cause baldness, a shrinkage of the prostate gland and excessive aggression. Typical androgenic effects are not observed since the drug is an aromatase inhibitor.

In order to prevent the manifestation of side effects, you should correctly select the dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug. For this, it is necessary to conduct an examination and consult a doctor.

Application methods

Masteron 200 can be effectively used in a solo cycle. The weekly dose is 400-500 mg. The course lasts 5-6 weeks. With the propionate version, the injections should be divided into three times a week.

The drug can be used with other steroids. The combination is chosen depending on the goals set. Oxandrolone and Winstrol are suitable for drying. For a set of muscles, Testosterone, with the addition of Gonadotropin to the course is adequate.

Reviews on Masteron 200

Athletes note the narrow specialization of the drug. It allows you to dry out the body without losing muscle. The steroid can be used in combined courses when the task is to gain muscle and get rid of fat cells. The steroid based on Drostanolone allows you to effectively maintain muscle mass.

For the course to be effective and safe, Masteron must be used according to the instructions and only after consulting an expert. Contact us now to find out how to get a consultation with a specialist.

プロピオン酸ドロスタノロン 200mg/ml 瓶 通販