
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Brand: Maxtreme
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)


SKU: 531 Category:



Manufacturer – Maxtreme Pharma

Drug form – 10 ampoules of 250 mg/ml

Active substance – Testosterone mix (Sustanon 250)

Testo-Non-1 is a strong anabolic substance that contains a mix of the different esters of testosterone. The testing results demonstrate its prolonged effect if compared with other similar anabolic steroids. This substance has become the most widely used and popular anabolic agent over the past few years and can be used by beginner athletes, bodybuilding professionals and for other sports personnel also.

The active agent is based on four Testosterone esters;

  • Testosterone Propionate – 30 mg;
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  • Testosterone Decanoate – 100 mg;
  • Testosterone Isocaproate – 60 mg;

Such a composition is no coincidence. Different types of testosterone work by having different speed of effect and absorption times within the blood. So a sportsman receives a perfectly balanced and long pattern of the testosterone application. In fact, the speed of the effect is the only difference between the ethers. Sustanon has the same anabolic effect as testosterone being 100 in both the anabolic and androgen index. Our steroid store offers Testo-Non-1 with shipment to the USA. It is rather affordable and there is only positive feedback regarding this drug.

Advantages of Sustanon by Maxtreme Pharma

Testo-Non-1 cycles have the following positive effects:

  • Significantly increases the muscle size due to enhanced protein synthesis. An athlete can grow up to 6kg of muscle mass during the first month of the cycle;
  • Such physical properties as strength and endurance will be increased;
  • Improved appetite for the user while running the cycle;
  • Improved blood flow and saturation with oxygen throughout the blood;
  • Improved sexual drive due to a sharp increase of the testosterone levels in the body.

Side effects

Testosterone is a male hormone so it is not recommended for the average female athlete. Women may face such adverse effects as voice deepening, facial hairiness and other masculine traits. Male bodybuilders may face the same adverse effects during the testosterone intake.

These possible effects include:

  • Acne;
  • Increased skin oiliness;
  • Baldness;
  • Water retention or gynecomastia (due to testosterone’s aromatization process).

But it should be noted that after the cycle is complete these side effects disappear or even don’t occur at all. Everybody has an individual response to Sustanon. Proper dosage excludes any adverse effects. Also it is recommended to take an anti-estrogens during your cycle for the faster removal of excess fluid and potential side effects.

As the body will receive a large volume of testosterone, the user’s own body (testes) will generate a lower amount of this hormone. So after completing the anabolic steroid cycle the sexual activity should be recovered after the PCT is complete.

Sustanon cycles and dosage

This anabolic can be taken both individually and combined with other anabolic steroids. Usually the second method is used when muscle size and other physical properties need to be improved as soon as possible.

A combination with Dianabol improves the effect of the muscle growth but this growth will include some water weight, as D-bols are prone for promoting excess water within the body. At the same time the appetite and endurance are improved. Also this drug can be administered according to the following course; Sustanon, Nandrolone Decanoate and Dianabol for the ultimate mass gaining cycle. For cutting cycles, the most effective will be Sustanon, Trenbolone and Winstrol. This will reinforce the advantages of the testosterone and readjust the course outcomes to suit your specific needs.

It should be noted that the simultaneous intake of different anabolic steroids increases the adverse effects on the sportsman’s body. For preventing these adverse effects, you can find a selection of preventative drugs within our online catalogue, including Arimidex, Anastrozole, Tamoxifen, Caber (for progesterone issues) and also many PCT substances.

Testo-Non-1 dosage varies between 250-750mg per week. Everything depends on the bodybuilder’s experience and the goals that are set. Sustanon effects lasts for up to 3 weeks; it is injected twice weekly for more consistent peaked levels within the blood, or once per week by the more average user who does not like frequent injections. The cycle duration is at least 8-10 weeks in duration. This is enough for stimulating the muscle growth and the quick development of physical properties.

Athletes’ feedback about Testo-Non-1

At specialized forums, experienced sportsmen note that this drug is very efficient. Also apart from gaining the muscle mass, a bodybuilder will increase their strength and endurance, strengthen their body and improve the oxygen transportation around the blood stream to the muscles. Not every drug has a such a set of advantages.

Sustanon can be combined well with other anabolics. In case of a proper administration the exercise results can be increased by several times. Sportsmen recommend following the proper dosage and take recovery drugs within your PCT. This allows preventing all of the adverse effects.

Where to purchase Testo-Non-1 at an affordable price?

Our online steroid store offers Sustanon by Maxtreme Pharma at an affordable price. We guarantee only the highest quality and efficiency of our substances.

We have been working within the market of pharmaceutical drugs for many years and know which anabolic steroids are the best for athletes. We supply our stock with only original drugs that we receive directly from the main medical manufacturers, so we can guarantee that they are 100% authentic and effective.

Direct co-operation with pharmaceutical companies and the purchases of large drugs in bulk allows for us to offer our steroids at an affordable price. You can order our anabolic steroids while making the payment which is most convenient for you, by cryptocurrency, by credit or debit card or via an e-wallet. Our products can be ordered within a few minutes from the moment you find your selected and desired substance.

We guarantee that your order will be shipped to any US town from the moment of purchase. If you have any questions regarding our products, cycles, or any individual based services, our online service team will be more than happy to answer you within a good timely manner.

ススタノン 250 ススタノン 250mg/ml アンプル 通販