Cypionat 250

Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


SKU: 714 Category:


Cypionat 250

Manufacturer – Dragon Pharma 

Drug form – 10 ml vial at 250 mg/ml

Active ingredient – Testosterone Cypionate

Are you looking for a quality steroid with high potency? Do you want to find a drug that can be used for a long time with a small number of injections? Then Cypionat 250 is the best choice for you. This drug is great for both weightlifting and extreme strength sports.

Important! The basis of this remedy is modified testosterone. It gives a positive effect to the body of athletes.

Read also about benefits of cycling Testosterone Cypionate


By taking Cypionat 250 from the pharmaceutical company, Dragon Pharma, athletes can achieve:

  • Strength growth, and the improvement of training results, as a consequence;
  • Gaining muscle mass;
  • Reducing pain after training;
  • Bone and joint tissue strengthening;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Improved mood;
  • Excellent recovery even after difficult, intense training;

The more complex chemical structure of the substance makes it act for up to 16 days, which is the longest possible time.

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The drug side effects

The negative effect on the body is made due to the high aromatization, as well as the androgenic activity of the drug. The following negative effects are possible during the use of the drug:

  • The appearance of puffiness;
  • Acne;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Increased body fat;
  • Testosterone production decrease.

Important! Side effects can be avoided in the case of Tamoxifen usage during the course. It is also recommended to undergo post-cycle therapy after completion of the course.

See info about testosterone cypionate and trenbolone acetate cycle

Some athletes consider the high price of the drug as a disadvantage, however, it pays off quickly given the positive effects.

Important! Cypionat 250 is strictly not recommended for women because it can cause virilization – the appearance of male sexual characteristics, including increased hair growth and coarsening of the voice.

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How to take the drug

Subject to the rules, athletes will be able not only to minimize but to negate the negative effects of taking the drug, having achieved maximum results. Here are the rules for taking the drug:

  • The weekly dosage of the drug should not exceed the threshold of 200mg to 500mg. (for beginners and experienced athletes);
  • Course duration should be 12 weeks. It is strictly not recommended to exceed this indicator;
  • The dosage and duration of the course are selected under the individual indicators of the athlete (especially the state of health);
  • It is recommended to undergo PCT to minimize side effects and strengthen the obtained results. Tamoxifen at a dosage of 30mg per day will perfectly cope with this. It is recommended to take it from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • The drug is excellent for combination with Turinabol or Stanozolol.

You can buy steroids for a combined course, as well as drugs for PCT, on our official website.

See info about how long does testosterone cypionate stay in your system


Many athletes note the high efficiency of the drug, as well as its excellent combination of price and quality. Several positive effects also persuade athletes to choose Cypionat 250. It helps athletes to achieve excellent results during training, as well as effectively gain muscle mass within a few weeks.

When ordering steroids from us, you will get an effective and safe steroid allowing both beginners and experienced athletes to reach new heights in sports.

See info about how long does testosterone cypionate stay in your system

Important! Before purchasing drugs, it is recommended to consult with a specialist (which you can do right here on our site) so that they can help you select the most effective course.

テストステロン シピオン酸塩 250mg/ml 瓶 通販