Magnum Test-C 300

Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Package: 10 ampoules (300mg/ml)


SKU: 12074 Category:


Magnum Test-C 300

Manufacturer – Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Drug form – 10 ampoules at 300 mg/ml

Active ingredient – Testosterone Cypionate

Classic steroids are popular not only among amateurs and beginners but among professional athletes whose weight has long been over 100kg. The testosterone-based Test-C 300 is one of the high-quality classic steroids.

You can buy high-quality anabolic steroids with any testosterone esters from isocaproate to propionate in our online store. We guarantee our customers affordable prices, drug authenticity, as well as fast delivery to any city.

The drug properties and effects 

In case of the correct course and dosage, the drug:

  • Ensures highly efficient muscle growth;
  • Minimizes joint pain;
  • Gives pumping, firmness, and vascularity effects;
  • Increases endurance level and strength;
  • Allows faster recovery after training;
  • Improves reaction;
  • Increases concentration and motivation during training;
  • Improves libido;
  • Strengthens health and immunity;

Important! Unlike other anabolic steroids, Test-C 300 does not harm the liver, but it tends to aromatize.

Considering the highly effective results and minimal harm to health, it is safe to say that the price of the drug is fully justified.

The drug disadvantages 

Among the negative effects, the following should be noted:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Acne;
  • Water accumulation in the body;
  • Female obesity;

To avoid negative consequences, aromatase inhibitors should be taken during the course period. Antiestrogens should also be taken at the end of the course.

Read more about what size needle for testosterone cypionate injection

Drug taking procedure

  • The weekly dosage is from 250 to 500mg;
  • Injections should be done no more than once a week;
  • The duration of the course varies from 4 to 12 weeks; it is strictly not recommended to exceed these parameters;
  • The drug can be combined with almost any AAS. Everything depends directly on the course purpose: muscle strengthening, drying, etc.

At the end of the course, it is recommended to use the following drugs: Clomiphene or Tamoxifen after the course of therapy.


Like other testosterone-based drugs, Testosterone Cypionate is widely known in the world of sports. It is in high demand among sports amateurs and professionals. This drug is used for different purposes: bodybuilders need it for drying and lean mass gaining, and it is used for strength level increase for weightlifters.

Due to its active ingredient, Test-C 300 will help athletes in the process of quick muscle mass gaining, while simultaneously increasing their endurance and strength level. And this can be done easily. Just buy Test-C 300 from our online store to find out.


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