
Substance: Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
Brand: Alpha Pharma
Package: 50mg (50 pills)


SKU: 555 Category:



Manufacturer – Alpha Pharma

Drug form –  50 tablets of 50 mg

Active ingredient – Oxymetholone (Anadrol)

Oxymetholone is a drug that was developed in the last century. It is great for achieving fast muscle gains, strength and endurance. It is not without reason that athletes and bodybuilders from different levels have been using this outstanding bulking agent for more than half a century.

Features and benefits of the drug

Thanks to the use of Oxydrolone in your training programs, you can achieve the following results:

  • Gain large muscle mass quickly. During one course, you can add up to 15kg. However, there is also the opposite effect – a high probability of a rollback after your cycle, with a loss of up to ⅓ of the mass. In order to help and prevent this rollback, you need to exercise regularly, strictly follow your diet regimen and also add in some supplementation to allow less fluid to be held around the body;
  • Increased strength and endurance while exercising;
  • Increase the mobility and strength of the bones and joints by stimulating the production of temporary synovial fluid. You will feel less pain in these areas while cycling with this substance; 
  • Decrease in SHBG levels, which balances metabolism. This is necessary when combining the drug with other anabolic steroids;

Oxymetholone has three times the anabolic activity of testosterone. However, its androgenic activity is just about less than half. The drug has a pronounced aromatization rate and also moderate hepatotoxicity towards the liver.

You can buy Oxydrolone, as well as the needed PCT products in our online store.

Read More About Oxydrolone Dose 

Application methods

To get the best effect and minimize the harm to the body, you should follow certain rules for taking the drug:

  • The dosage for advanced athletes is 100mg per day. For advanced beginners, 50mg per day;
  • The course lasts no more than 4-6 weeks, due to the toxicity on the liver;
  • The dosage of the drug should be adjusted according to your physiological parameters (this substance can increase a user’s aggression);
  • For effective weight gain, you should combine this drug with Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin and Primobolan or Boldenone. For pumping strength with solid gains and less water retention, it is recommended to use it with Stanozolol, Testosterone and Trenbolone.

After completing the course, post-cycle therapy is required. This is necessary to normalize the natural production of testosterone. Testosterone boosters and AIs are used within PCT. The duration of their intake is 3-6 weeks, which will be dependent on the strength and length of your cycle.

Possible side effects

Possible negative manifestations that can occur when taking Oxydrolone include:

  • Diarrhea and other stomach upsets;
  • Nausea and acne;
  • A decreased appetite, mainly due to an upset stomach.

Subject to the dosage and duration of the course, side effects are extremely rare. The reason for their appearance is usually always due to overdoses of the drug, abuse or a longer duration of this oral steroid within your cycle.

Oxydrolone reviews

The drug is used in various fields of professional and amateur sports. It is used by bodybuilders to gain mass amounts, and also as a preparation for a competition to make the muscles as big and bulky as possible. The result of an increase in muscles can be achieved within just one course.

You can buy Anadrol for muscle growth in our online store to build a beautiful and big muscular body! Our selection of Anadrol is bought and stored from the main pharmaceutical companies, so the quality of the steroid is never an issue when purchasing your anabolic steroids with us. 

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