
Substance: Liothyronine (T3)
Brand: Maxtreme
Package: 25mcg (100 pills)


SKU: 525 Category:



Manufacturer – Maxtreme Pharma 

Drug form – 100 tablets of 25 mcg  

Acting agent Liothyronine (Т3)

Weight loss and a lean body with beautiful, well-defined muscles is pretty much everybody’s dream. Athletes require such a physical condition. Our store offers an effective drug that will help get rid of the fat layer – T3-Max-25. A high-quality result will appear by the time you finish the first course. You can get rid of fat stores and dry your body thoroughly to make it look amazing. Most often, these drugs are used in bodybuilding and athletics.

T3-Max-25 is a medicine that is more effective than sports counterparts that have the same properties. Moreover, its safety is much higher.

What is the drug?

The product is based on an artificial thyroid hormone. Due to this, the drug is almost completely safe. The body perceives it as a natural component.

Here is the effect of the drug when taken:

  • Your body fat starts to be burned much more efficiently. During the course, there is an increase in heat production and body temperature. Due to these processes, subcutaneous fat is burned away. 
  • You have less appetite. The metabolism is accelerated. All food consumed will be absorbed faster.
  • More energy will appear. It will take less time to sleep. Only the required 8-9 hours a day. Moreover, intense workouts will not give you much fatigue.
  • You will have a good mood and resistance to external factors and stress.
  • Your general condition will improve. The heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys will work better. 

You will already see the results after the first day of using the drug. During the course, the effect develops and becomes even more powerful. 

Adverse reactions

Exceeding the dosage or duration of administration can lead to problems with the nervous system, thyroid gland and heart. Disruption of thyroid-stimulating hormone production is possible. With long-term use not only side effects may appear but also tolerance to the composition of the drug.

To prevent adverse reactions, you should carefully select the dosage and duration of the course. It is important to take into account the current state of the body and the experience of taking such drugs. Before you start taking it, it is best to consult a doctor to find out if there is any hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

How to take T3-Max-25?

You must observe in full all of the rules and instructions of administration. In case of violations, adverse reactions may occur. The drug should be taken carefully. It is best to start with small doses and increase them daily to the recommended dosage.

The minimum daily dose is 25mcg and the maximum is around 100mcg. The course can last up to 6 weeks.

In addition to liothyronine, other drugs are used that increase the effectiveness of this drug. Steroids are often used in combination with it.

Drug reviews 

Among athletes, T3-Max-25 has a reputation as a powerful and safe fat burner which can quickly offer you great results. It is suitable for creating definition and strengthening endurance. The advantage of the product is that it can be used by both men and women.

Start changing your body and improve your physical condition. Place an order for T3-Max-25 in our online store!

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